
March 14, 2024

Episode Descriptions



Ep. 104 “Penny’s Pirate Gold”


Long: (800 Characters)


When Earl sings a sea shanty about a sunken treasure ship at the bottom of Lake Lucky, Penny becomes convinced that it’s true. Penny wants to put together an underwater exploration but the Hoppers, led by Filipa, are dubious about the authenticity of the tale. Through research, Penny convinces the Hoppers that it there’s a good chance it is true, but they need Lonny Beaver’s mini submarine to see for themselves. Penny and Filipa wind up on a thrilling underwater adventure and discover that there is treasure down there – but it’s not at all what they imagined.


Short (240 Characters)


Penny hears that there might be treasure from a sunken pirate ship at the bottom of the lake. But Penny has have trouble convincing the Hoppers to support them, and must team up with greedy Lonny Beaver to see if the story is true.


Ep. 107 “Filipa Flies”


Long: (800 Characters)


Filipa has always wanted to soar above the clouds, so she decides to build a flying machine. She tries several different designs, but none of them manage to get off the ground. She’s about to throw in the towel when Hop tells about a similar experience he had building the Diner’s slide, and how he persisted and eventually succeeded. Filipa decides to keep at it and then, with some inspiration from some birds outside her window learning to fly, she builds the machine and flies.


Short (240 Characters)


Filipa wants to build a flying machine but struggles to come up with a design that works. Growing frustrated, she decides to abandon the idea, but the Hoppers encourage her to not give up. With this support, her idea takes flight.


Ep. 109 “Haunted Hiccup’s”


Long: (800 Characters)


When Hoot gets the hiccups, the Hoppers try to relieve them with a scary trip to Grady Gardens, a nearby haunted mansion. But inside the house, they discover evidence that there might really be ghosts there. Benny teaches the Hoppers how to manage their fears with a song, and the Hoppers discover that the strange noises are caused by Jerome, who likes taking of the place. However, their brief fright did the trick and Hoot is finally free of her hiccups.


Short (240 Characters)


When Hoot gets a case of the hiccups the Hoppers decide to scare them out of her, and what better way to do that than a trip to the Haunted Grady Gardens. But is it really haunted?


Ep. 111 “Princess Hop”


Long: (800 Characters)


It’s Hoot’s Day to choose what she and her friends will play, and she chooses to play “Princess!” with herself, of course, as the Princess. Hoot assigns everyone else different roles, including Benny as a dragon who is supposed to capture the princess. Things go awry as the others grow disenchanted with their roles and eventually everyone winds up playing a princess, which isn’t what Hoot had in mind at all. However, when a real dragon actually captures Hoot, she discovers that having a lot of princesses on hand is just what she needs!


Short (240 Characters)


It’s Hoot’s Day to choose what she and her friends will play. But when Hoot gives the best role, Princess, to herself what started out as fun turns into a nightmare. Can she learn to share the spotlight and still have a great time?


Ep. 113 “Benny’s Birthday Book”


Long: (800 Characters)


When Filipa gifts Benny a handmade book for his birthday he has to go home and read it right away! It quickly becomes his new favorite book and he vows never to let the book out of his sight. But then Penny reminds Benny that he said he would lend the book to her. He confesses that he’s just not ready to let go of it yet, and Penny understands how he feels. But then Baby Terry flies away with the book and all the Hoppers must help Benny get it back! He’ so grateful when it’s returned in one piece, that he decides to read the book to everyone.


Short (240 Characters)


When Filipa gifts Benny a handmade book for his birthday, it becomes his most favorite book ever. In fact, he loves it so much that he doesn’t want to lend it with anyone else. But what good is a book if you can’t share it?






Ep. 117 “Benny & the Troll”


Long: (800 Characters)


Benny thinks trolls are scary because of a book he read. Then, while crossing a bridge he thinks he hears the whistling of a troll and runs away. Hop and the gang go with Benny to see what made that whistling sound and they discover that it IS a troll. In his fear, Benny drops Sir Ben and the troll catches him. Benny doesn’t want to see the troll again but he can’t do without Sir Ben, so he faces his fear and confronts the troll where she lives under the bridge. He discovers that the real troll is actually super nice and that he shouldn’t have believed what was in that silly book. Benny and the troll, whose name is Helga, soon become fast friends!


Short (240 Characters)


Benny thinks trolls are scary because of a book he read. Then while crossing a bridge he drops Sir Ben and a troll catches him. Benny rescues Sir Ben and discovers that the real troll is way different than the one in the book.

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