In early March 2019, after a secret captains-only meeting, the U.S. Women’s National Team files a gender discrimination lawsuit against their employer, the U.S. Soccer Federation. Their efforts gain global attention and support as the players seek back-pay, better working conditions, and contracts comparable to their male counterparts. The team’s unmatched dominance on the field –where they say they play more games, receive less incentives, but earn higher viewership ratings and take home more titles than the men –are at the core of their fight.

Despite the athletes’ arguments, pay parity mediation hearings between the USWNT and USSF ultimately fail and a judge deals a devastating blow to the players when he tosses their equal pay claim. Late 2020 finally sees a significant break in the case when a settlement is reached over working conditions. With an appeal in the works, there’s a long road ahead –but the players remain determined to break down barriers and enact enduring social change in the sport of soccer and for all women in the workplace. As star player Megan Rapinoe says, “If we win, everyone wins.”

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