301 – “Barbara Gordon”

Jason goes after the Joker alone in the series premiere.

302 – “Red Hood”

The Titans come to Gotham to face off against Red Hood.

303 – “Hank & Dove”

Time is running out for one of the Titans.

304 – “Blackfire”

Kory and Gar track down the source of her trance-states.

305 - “Lazarus”

In flashback, we learn the story of how Jason became estranged from Batman, found his way to Dr. Crane, and the tragic turn of events that transformed him into Red Hood.

306 - “Lady Vic”

Crane enlists the help of lethal assassin Lady Vic, who has a troubled history with Dick and Barbara.  Meanwhile, Kory and Gar bring Blackfire back to Wayne Manor.

307 - “51%”

While Crane ramps up his operation with the help of Gotham’s crime families, the Titans search for leads – from Oracle and informants – on his next move.

308 - “Home”

While Crane makes plans to poison Gotham’s water system with his fear toxin, Jason begins to realize he might have made a mistake. Dick is paid a visit from a young Tim Drake.

309 - “Souls”

While Rachel struggles for a chance to use her magic to resurrect Donna on Paradise Island, Tim Drake encounters Donna in the Underworld, and searches for a way back.

310 - “Troubled Water"

Crane blames the Titans for poisoning Gotham’s water supply.

311 - “The Call is Coming from Inside the House”

Crane and Red Hood plan the death of Nightwing.

312 - “Prodigal”

Both Dick and Jason struggle with their inner demons.

313 - “Purple Rain”

The final battle for Gotham for the Titans in the finale.

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