
April 12, 2024

Season 1 - Key Character Descriptions


Home Sweet Rome!

Season 1

LUCY is brilliant, funny... and deeply anxious. Her brain never stops whirring, and she’s always weighing all possible outcomes. While this can make her hesitant to dive into new things, her constant consideration also makes her a good friend and daughter. She also uses this overactive brain for academics. Like her father, Lucy likes to go deep on topics she loves, and like her late mother, those topics often relate to physics and astronomy. Lucy would love to be an astronaut when she grows up— or stay safely on the ground and design the world’s greatest sub-orbital telescope! In the meantime, Lucy’s also learned some tactics for quieting her brain: crafting (if Lucy can make it, build it, or sew it herself, she will), nail art (a hobby she started when her mom was in the hospital), and making up songs (both goofy and serious) with her BFF Kyla.


KYLA, Lucy’s best friend back home, has been Lucy’s other half for as long as they can both remember. Brash and outspoken, Kyla calls it like it is, which sometimes doesn’t have the most desirable outcome. Where Lucy relies on logic and reason, Kyla veers toward intuition, emotion and... astrology. Kyla refuses to close herself off to the possibility of an astral plane, or the existence of ghosts, or even a multiverse where everyone communicates by spontaneously breaking into song! She and Lucy spent most of their childhood making each other laugh by writing songs and doing over-the- top impressions, which is something they use to stay connected when Lucy moves away. Kyla has big ambitions— she knows she’s destined for greatness, she’s just not sure which kind. But this means she often finds herself feeling jealous of Lucy’s incredible new life in Rome.


DAD is always ready, no matter the situation. He’s done all the research, and has all the supplies, which you’ll find neatly folded and labeled in his hiking backpack— a coping mechanism he developed to help him with his ADHD. An archeologist with a specialty in the classical period, teaching in Rome is the job Dad’s been preparing for his entire life. He’s a bit less prepared for his marriage to Francesca, but he loves that she’s constantly putting him in new situations— red carpet events, soccer matches, dinner with foods more fancy than his trusty trail mix. But most of his research these days goes into Lucy. How do you decide how many rules to give your 13 year-old daughter? How much freedom? Despite having read every single parenting book, Dad still feels like he’s an ancient Roman constantly outrunning a Pompeii-sized eruption of tween-angst.


FRANCESCA is a talented musician and a savvy businesswoman, who has built a career for herself as one of the most famous pop stars in Italy. Coming from a rural farm family, she has earned all of her considerable success via her superhuman work ethic. Francesca is laser focused and determined— she has trouble taking no for an answer. But Francesca also works as hard at her relationships as she does at her career. Incredibly loyal and devoted, she’s determined to carve out space in her life for her new family. But she has to learn that building her relationship with Lucy isn’t the same as building a business or launching a tour— she can’t make it be what she wants by sheer force of will. She has to bend, adapt, and adjust— all brand new skills for Francesca.


SIGNORA BENATTI is the oldest person you’ve ever met. She has lived in the apartment building for... well, no one really knows how long, but at least a century. She’s led a very storied life, and no one can quite keep track of when— or even how— she’s done all these things. Along with doling out tales of her adventures, Signora Benatti likes to keep her neighbours well fed with homemade pasta, bread, desserts, tomato sauce, or whatever else she’s been cooking, and the food always comes with a heaping helping of life advice.


BRUNO, the ten year-old son of Francesca’s apartment building manager, is always up in everyone’s apartments, and up in everyone’s business. He fancies himself the building’s handyman, fashion consultant, and archivist (he calls the lost and found, “the archives”), and will happily take tips— both money or cookies, thanks. He’s known Francesca his whole life and absolutely delights her, which is why she entertains his frequent appearances in her apartment to “fix something,” offer his surprisingly sage counsel, or help himself to the contents of her fridge. Lucy, however, has a hard time getting used to this brand new little brother figure who’s always barging into her place unannounced to “fix a radiator” or “borrow some gelato.”


EMILIA, Francesca’s personal assistant, is unfailingly loyal to Francesca and would do absolutely anything for her— except be good at her job. Not that she doesn't want to. She does! But Emilia is scattered, easily overwhelmed, and almost always confused about what day it is. Francesca is always on the verge of firing her, but Emilia has the uncanny knack of fixing every crisis at the last moment— even if it’s often by accident.


NICO is the first friend Lucy makes at her new school. He’s charming, clever, and an unbridled optimist, sure that any challenge can be overcome with determination, enthusiasm, and positive thinking. Nico pushes Lucy to look on the bright side, which seems prescient when things work out, and deluded when they don’t. The son of a renowned chef in Rome, Nico grew up in his mom’s restaurant, but he has no desire to go into the family business. He has bigger plans to become a professional footballer/ motivational speaker/inspirational guru.


CHARLOTTE, Lucy’s new classmate, has great taste, an impeccable fashion-sense, and the uncanny ability to make everything about herself. She’s honest to a fault, her “advice,” “criticisms,” and even her “compliments,” often coming across as devastating insults, like, “I love that you don’t care about how you look!” Charlotte’s been in Rome for a few years because her Dad is the star striker for the local soccer club, but despite having been the new girl so recently, Charlotte has little sympathy for Lucy. In the moments when they do connect, Lucy’s surprised to learn how smart and ambitious Charlotte really is. She dreams of being an influencer on her own terms, not just because of her famous last name... although she’s not above using that name if it will get her past security!

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