
January 22, 2021

Superintelligence Synopsis



Ever since Carol Peters broke up with her boyfriend and lost her job, her life has felt particularly unremarkable, making her the perfectly average test subject for a Superintelligence conducting an experiment of apocalyptic proportions. As the snarky, all-powerful A.I. observes Carol in an effort to decide whether humanity is worth saving or beyond repair, it sets her up with all the tools she needs to make good decisions and vindicate her fellow human beings: a padded bank account, the philanthropic foundation of her dreams, and a chance to win back her ex, George. Meanwhile, Carol’s best friend Dennis, a computer scientist with bigtime connections, catches wind of the superintelligence’s master plan and escalates it to the highest levels of government. While the world powers band together to contain the threat and derail Armageddon, they hope Carol isn’t too buddy-buddy with her new electromagnetic pal to lend a helping hand.