
January 20, 2021

Unpregnant Synopsis



Veronica Clarke has it all: she’s smart, beautiful, popular, and Ivy-League bound. But as she stares down a positive pregnancy test in a Jefferson High bathroom, she’s terrified that everything she’s worked for is about to disappear before her eyes. Trapped in conservative Columbia, MO with religious parents, judgmental “best friends,” a smallminded boyfriend, and no car, she scrambles to schedule an abortion, but soon discovers that the closest clinic that doesn’t require parental consent is 15 hours away in Albequerque, NM.

Left with no other options, Veronica turns to her wild-child former BFF Bailey Butler, who’s game for anything and agrees to the 1,000-mile haul, despite the fact that Veronica’s never made amends for dumping her four years ago. As the unlikely duo reunite for an unforgettable three-day road trip under the starlit Southwest skies, Bailey urges Veronica to loosen up and go off-book for once, while Veronica starts to resurrect the piece of her she left behind when she severed ties with Bailey. Kicking off their journey in a stolen metallic blue ’77 Pontiac Firebird, the 17-year- olds face-off with local authorities, relentless anti-choicers, crazy exes, and more – and along they way, they begin to see each other for all that they’ve become.