
March 08, 2021

The Head Synopses


The Head

All Episodes Premiere February 4, 2021


S1:E1 “Episode I” – Written by Àlex Pastor, David Pastor, and Isaac Sastre; Directed by Jorge Dorado

Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station. As the summer crew flies back home, the winter researchers hunker down for the long polar night ahead. Six months later, following weeks of radio silence, summer commander Johan Berg returns to the base, where his worst fears are confirmed. Upon discovering a gruesome crime scene, Johan seeks answers from the shaken lone survivor, crew doctor Maggie Mitchell.

S1:E2 “Episode II” – Written by Àlex Pastor, David Pastor, and Isaac Sastre; Directed by Jorge Dorado

When a storm builds around the base, the search for Johan’s wife, Annika, must be called off. Under pressure from Johan, Maggie digs up memories of the events surrounding Miles’ murder, recalling how the group quickly turned on one of their own after a highly incriminating sighting. Later, Johan’s detective work leads to a shocking discovery.

S1:E3 “Episode III” – Written by Àlex Pastor, David Pastor, and Isaac Sastre; Directed by Jorge Dorado

As head researcher Arthur Wilde recovers, he warns Johan that Maggie isn’t who she claims to be. Unsure of whom to trust, Johan continues to press Maggie for answers, learning how the crew hatched a dangerous plan to get close enough to another base to call for help. Meanwhile, Johan leaves no stone unturned in his search for Annika – despite the looming storm.

S1:E4 “Episode IV” – Written by Àlex Pastor, David Pastor, and Isaac Sastre; Directed by Jorge Dorado

Arthur reveals that the body found in the snow is none other than Sarah Jackson, the scientist who died years ago in a fire at the old base, Polaris V. Still in shock, Maggie relives the moments after Erik’s gun went off, leaving her critically wounded. As the veterans set out in search of a working radio at Polaris V, Maggie began to draw terrifying conclusions about what they were really after.

S1:E5 “Episode V” – Written by Àlex Pastor, David Pastor, and Isaac Sastre; Directed by Jorge Dorado

Back at Polaris V, under the guise of doing the right thing, Maggie insists that the crew return Sarah’s body to the base, but her true intention is to perform a proper autopsy to uncover the truth behind Sarah’s death. As Maggie and Aki band together, the killer closes in.

S1:E6 “Episode VI” – Written by Àlex Pastor, David Pastor, and Isaac Sastre; Directed by Jorge Dorado

After piecing together the memories of her last interaction with Annika, Maggie divulges the ugly details of what really happened at Polaris V, prompting Johan to redirect the search for his wife. As the hunt for evidence against Arthur intensifies, will they find what they’re looking for before it’s too late?