The Perfect Weapon

About The Perfect Weapon

THE PERFECT WEAPON, an HBO documentary special based on the best-selling book by New York Times National Security Correspondent David E. Sanger, will debut FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 8:00PM ET/PT. Directed by John Maggio, the film explores the rise of cyber conflict as a primary way in which nations now compete with and sab-otage one another. Cheap, invisible, and devastatingly effective, cyber weapons are the present and future of geopolitical conflict: a short-of-war pathway to exercising power. THE PERFECT WEAPON draws on interviews with top military, intelligence, and political officials for a comprehensive view of a world of new vulnerabilities -- particularly as fear mounts over how cyberattacks and influence operations may affect the 2020 U.S. election, vulnerable power grids, America’s nuclear weapons arsenal, and the global networks that are the backbone of private enterprise. And it focuses on how the U.S. government is struggling to defend itself from cyberattacks while simultane-ously stockpiling -- and using -- the world's most powerful offensive cyber arsenal.
